28 February 2025

Planetary Parade - February 2025

In case of cloudy skies, or simple missed opportunity, you can catch this month's planetary alignment --or as some prefer, "parade"-- online:


Lots of other articles and various links available.

Hoping to see plenty of images as well!

31 January 2025

Heavenly Skies - 2025

Already this year we've had celestial alignments, conjunctions, and occultations, and the skies have been spectacular these past few nights for just simple, good ol' fashioned stargazing.

Check out these sources for all sorts of information regarding wonderful astronomical events awaiting this year.









Watch with Wonder!

30 November 2024

"Golden" Music

So, after our Thanksgiving feast, my Mom invited her grandchildren to play cards (Skip-Bo, specifically).  We cleared the table, poured the glasses, and dealt the cards. Just a few hands in, I asked if folks would like some music. In honour of my Mother, we decided on "Golden Oldies". I signed in to Pandora. Elvis, Dion, The Temptations, The Shirelles, amongst so many others, filled the room with memorable music. My Mom was just a lip-syncin' away. My kids got a kick of my own attempts at singing along.

I remarked to my kids that most of the music they were hearing was upwards of 60 to 70 years old.

Of course, I had to endure a few choice reminders from my kids that I am almost as old as that myself (though not quite). Nevertheless, I know the music. My Mom and Dad used crack out the 45 collection and play away the occasional Saturday afternoon. I can distinctly remember late nights of dialing in the radio to the station out of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and listening to their oldies playlists hissing in and out of reception. I also recall staring at the t.v. through plenty of those after hours album compilations promoting the "Golden Oldies" of the 50s and 60s.

Later, Thanksgiving Night, with the songs still ringing in my head, something rather interesting--and kind of depressing--occurred to me: the very same pieces of music were already known as the "Golden Oldies" when I was a kid. But most of the music was a mere 30 years old, if even that. 

So, what does it mean, therefore, that the music which I most enjoy, and to which I still regularly listen, is older now than the "Golden Oldies" were when they became known as the "Oldies"?

Indeed, my favourite music stems from the mid-80s. (That's four decades ago!) What many call the "Golden Age" of heavy metal. 


I suppose I'm getting to be an "Oldie" myself--whether "Golden" or not.

Doesn't matter. I, for one, intend to keep playing the music that means the most to me, and playing it proudly for my children, just like my parents did for me.

O, how the song of life keeps spinning and spinning around on the record player of existence.

21 October 2024

A Concert in Salt Lake

Took the Twins to Salt Lake City for a concert:

Iron Maiden - The Future Past World Tour 2024!

Twins-Maiden-Delta Centre

Quite an enjoyable trip. The Twins were pretty impressed. So were their parents!

Iron Maiden came to Casper back in 1983. June 21st, to be exact. 

Alas, I was a wee bit young away back then.

My brother, Brandel, sure remembers!

What a setlist! 


Iron Maiden shall mark its 50th anniversary on Christmas Day this year. 
Wishing Harris and all his mates all the best! 

Perhaps we'll attend again at Malahide Caste in Ireland!
Up The Irons!

P.S. - 
As I was writing this today, I saw that Paul Di'Anno has died. 


26 September 2024

Fraught Tales and Cocktails - A Poe Speakeasy

Friday the 13th, and my wife and I attended a speakeasy experience in downtown Casper, at the Odd Fellows Building. There on an upper floor, resides an old theatre, which I never knew existed. We witnessed upon the stage four fraught tales...accompanied by four cocktails:

The Tell-Tale Heart - The Pale Blue Eye

The Black Cat - Edgar's Twisted Brandy Milk Punch -- my favourites, both the performance and the drink

The Raven - The Nevermore

The Masque of the Red Death - Cocktail of Red Death

At the Speakeasy

Quite an enjoyable evening, all the way through the ride home!


If ever the opportunity arises, be sure to attend. 

Edgar Allan Poe Cocktail Experience








10 August 2024

MX Missle Alert

Visited the Missile Alert Facility north of Cheyenne.

Surreal. Completely surreal.

Indeed, quite the experience.

Whether you lived through the missile crises of the 80s or not, visiting the facility, a shell of what it once represented, is highly recommended.

Skull and Cross-Bombs

For information, visit:

Quebec 01
