This year's Young Authors Program was a terrific success here in Natrona County. There was fair turnout, and students presented fabulous work. Celebrations for both primary and secondary levels are scheduled for next week.
As building coordinator for my school, I helped judge students' submissions from Kindergarten to 5th grade. As a member of the Casper Reading Council, I also had the privilege of reading and judging the work of students from across the district, and at every level, Kindergarten to 12th grade. Each and every piece impressed me in some way: style, voice, focus, breadth, fluency, presentation. I think back to my own work at comparable grade levels, and I am proud of the our students' achievement, often so much more advanced than ever I wrote as a "Young Author."
I am deeply heartened by the work of all our local Young Authors. The imagination and inspiration evident in their words promises to serve as a fountainhead of creativity for the burgeoning generation of new writers, as well as readers. Students'
efforts--along with the efforts of teachers, administrators, parents, guardians, and neighbours--help shine a magnificent light on the strength of
creative writing in our educational community.