11 April 2012

Newspaper Article

Here is a link to the article in the Casper Journal featuring my novella, Day Dreamer.

Feel free to leave a comment. I am sure they would appreciate it.

We usually get the Casper Journal in the mail on Wednesdays. I got my copy. But wouldn't you know it, that was the one week it failed for whatever reason to arrive in my Mom and Dad's mailbox. So, they marched themselves down that very afternoon to the paper company and requested a copy. They came home with a stack of a dozen. All my brother could say about the article was that I'll forever be associated with the funny little cartoon at the bottom of the page entitled "Wott Remains." Weird.

Anyway, my thanks again to Elysia Conner (congratulations and good luck) as well as to all the readers of the article and the book.


  1. Well done, Devin, and that's a great cover design!

  2. Thanks, Derek. And yes, the cover is pretty cool. It says quite a lot in itself.
